Sunday, October 2, 2011

And there goes the deadline..

So, I thought this is the week for me to take care of my mobile bill or to finally get the much needed exercise routine started.. but "Wooooossshhh!!!!!" and there goes my deadline.


I love the sound that deadline makes when it goes past us leaving us gasping for air (read time). What is it with humans and deadlines. why are we so concerned about them especially when we are the ones creating these deadlines completely aware of our unablity to meet them. So I ruffled my mind to find answers.

I think that we create these "Non-Realistic"deadlines for us for two reasons, and interestingly both to pat ourselves on the back.

  • One, To congratulate us when we DO meet our deadlines. Now this could be rare thing in the IT world in which yours truly lives but nonethless it is true. We love the fact we achieved something that we planned out to do. PAT on the back.

  • Two, and this is more likely to tell others that we actually have a deadline which they want us to acheive annnddd it tomorrow we somehow fail to meet it, it will be because they never listened to us. Coz, I know myself. PAT on the back.

So, there you go my lovely friends one myth broken about our deadlines and the subtle science behind it. Read and tell me it isn't true. By the way, I was supposed to post this about a week back. Lol. There goes MY deadline.

It is after all a DEADline. Who cares???